Terms & Conditions
While Wholly Honey has endeavored to ensure the information provided on our website is free from error, we cannot guarantee it’s accuracy or completeness as it is supplied for general information only. Therefore we shall not be responsible or liable for any error in, or omission from, the information provided.
When placing an order on Wholly Honey website, you are purchasing our product in accordance with these terms and conditions. We may accept your order and payment and then process and ship it to you, however, if for some reason, we may decline to accept your order and will therefore attempt to notify you.
You may choose to have your details saved to our website to make future ordering easier. Occasionally an order may go missing before processing or an error can be made during processing. We cannot be held accountable for this but will endeavor to rectify this as soon as possible.
Your order must contain your name, email address, credit card details, billing address, delivery address and any further information that is specified on the website.
All orders are subject to availability of the product.
All prices are in New Zealand dollars and include Goods and Services Tax.
We reserve the right to make changes to our website at anytime including changes to product prices without notice.
Wholly Honey reserves the right to amend these Terms and Conditions at any time. Amendments will be effective immediately once placed on the website.